Exclusive Or
Find the XOR of two numbers and print it. Hint: Input the numbers as strings. Input Format First-line contains the first number X and the second line contains second number Y. The numbers will be given to you in binary form. Constraints 0 <= X <= 2^1000 0 <= Y <= 2^1000 Output Format Output one number in binary format, the XOR of two numbers. Sample Input 0 11011 10101 Sample Output 0 01110 CODE: a=input() b=input() c="" if len(a)<=len(b): k=len(b)-len(a) l="0"*k a=l+a else: k=len(a)-len(b) l="0"*k b=l+b for i in range(len(a)): c+=str(int(a[i])^int(b[i])) print(c)